Tag: fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia


    The enigmatic condition known as fibromyalgia, which is often referred to as “muscle pain”, is a complex syndrome characterized by chronic skeletal and muscle pain, hypersensitivity, and severe sleep disturbances. In addition, this debilitating condition can also manifest as mood swings, such as depression and anxiety, as well as memory issues. It affects between 2…

  • 10 main signs that you suffer from insomnia

    10 main signs that you suffer from insomnia

    In a society that demands productivity and time for ourselves, we often have to make choices to reduce sleep time. It’s easy to think that losing just a few hours of sleep doesn’t matter much, but over time it accumulates and forms a “sleep debt.” After days without rest, we begin to wonder, worry about…

  • Infectious mononucleosis (not only) from kissing

    Infectious mononucleosis (not only) from kissing

    Mononucleosis mainly affects adolescents and young people. It is transmitted mainly through saliva, which is why it is also called “kissing disease” or “student disease”. This is an unpleasant and long-term disease, but in most cases it gradually passes without any consequences. Find out how infectious mononucleosis differs from a common sore throat or viral…