Une image éducative expliquant l’approche Value-Based Health Care, qui cherche à améliorer les résultats pour les patients tout en optimisant l'efficacité des soins, en se concentrant sur la valeur et non sur le volume

L’approche Value Based Heath Care

According to various sources, including the OECD and Le Nouvel Economiste, a significant portion of healthcare spending is wasted each year, with estimates ranging from 20-30%. To address this problem, a new approach called value-based healthcare (VBHC) has been developed. VBHC is a patient-centered approach that takes into account not only medical indicators but also indicators of the patient’s experience during hospitalization. By focusing on these new indicators, VBHC aims to provide better care for patients while reducing costs and avoiding unnecessary treatment. This approach is being adopted by an increasing number of countries around the world.

Key information:

20-30% of health spending is wasted each year
Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) is a patient-centered approach that takes into account not only medical indicators but also indicators of the patient’s experience during hospitalization.
VBHC aims to provide better care for patients while reducing costs and avoiding unnecessary treatment
VBHC is being adopted by a growing number of countries around the world

Action Items:

Healthcare systems should consider adopting VBHC to improve patient care and reduce costs.
Patients should be encouraged to provide feedback on their hospital experience to help improve the quality of care.
Healthcare providers need to focus on delivering high-quality care that meets patient-centered and medical benchmarks.



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