Visual representation of five causes of erectile dysfunction: stress, poor diet, medical conditions, medication side effects, and inactivity.


Every living thing has some limitations in life. Human beings are not the exception to this. By age, as the efficiency of our eyes gets reduced, the same happens with our sexual life. But at which age that will go to happen depends upon some bad habits.

Here in this article, I’ll justify the 5 habits that can cause Erectile Dysfunction and provide you with the appropriate solutions.


Sex is a physiological thing. Like breathing, it also depends upon some vital organs. The penis is not only the organ participating in intercourse but organs like the scrotum, adrenal glands, somniferous tubules, and Ejaculatory ducts are also vital. In our daily life, we make some mistakes or make something habitual which may cause our impotency. So, let us find out what habits we should left.


1. Unhealthy Diet: Poor diet is always being in the top for Erectile Dysfunction. Foods are the main source of energy and a source of nutrition. Organs like the ejaculatory duct, glands, and tubules in the scrotum need proper nutrition to make sperm with semen. bodies as well as sperm production. Foods like, green vegetables, boiled eggs, and foods containing Vitamin E must be taken to reduce ED disease. So avoid taking a poor diet.

2. Change in Lifestyle: After getting a job it is not possible to give time to keep our body fit. And because of this, we are spending a Sedentary Lifestyle. But keeping our body fit is very essential. Blood pulse and veins are circulating blood in all organs, in genitals also. Fat and cholesterol are gathered at the walls of the pulse and create difficulties in passing blood. So, we need to find out some time for daily exercise, and breathing-related meditations. It will be best to participate in sports and social activities also.

3. Relationship Issues: During sex, if you are facing a sudden erectile problem then it may be not any disease. Because often due to some other tension or stress, our body can function well.

So, the erection also depends upon Relationship issuesMake a comfort zone with your partner and make sure you both are agreeing with having sex. Then only you and your body muscles can be stress-free.

4. Taking Too Much Stress: Stress and Other Psychological Issues are another main reason behind erection problems. When we meet stress, as a reflex our blood pressure increases rapidly. If the patient has blood sugar then it acts as a catalyst. Increasing blood pressure and nervous breakdown can cause serious injury to internal organs.

So, if you are already a patient with blood pressure then before taking any kind of ED pills like Fildena, Cenforce & or Malegra, you must take advice from doctors. Sex also increases blood pressure, so due to both side effects, it may cause serious injury to other vital organs.

5. Smoking & Other Addiction Issues: Smoking and alcoholism are affecting the glands and scrotum tubules directly. To produce proper sperm with semen, tubules need oxygen and other nutrition. But due to smoking, we are injecting Carbon dioxide into it.

Alcohol possesses bacteria that may cause harm to the glands. So taking drugs and other suppressants and depressant affects our genital organs.


If erectile problems start to appear suddenly then the patient must pass through at least one of the upper habits. To avoid Erectile Dysfunction, you must avoid Poor Diet, Smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Be Free from Stress, change your Lifestyle, and try to solve Psychological issues and relationship issues. You will surely get results.



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