• Headache


    It’s hard to find a person who has never had a headache. Headache is one of the most common health problems that we have to face from time to time. Headache in numbers Data from the International Headache Society (IHS) show that the prevalence of all types of headaches is 93% in men and 99%…

  • Dietary supplements and concomitant medication: what you need to know?

    Dietary supplements and concomitant medication: what you need to know?

    The use of food additives containing herbal extracts is currently enjoying unprecedented popularity. Although they are natural products, it should be borne in mind that their unreasonable or improper use can also have side effects on human health – similar to conventional medicines. In particular, people who regularly take medications for a long time should…

  • Prostate problems?

    Prostate problems?

    You may think that the problems with urination caused by prostate enlargement simply belong to age. To some extent, this is true, but we live in the 21st century, and today’s elderly people should no longer be hampered by health problems that used to be commonplace in their lives after fifty. Read our article about…

  • Healthy eating. Sweet homemade cakes are a little different

    Healthy eating. Sweet homemade cakes are a little different

    If we want to enjoy this, it’s definitely worth thinking about the ingredients that we add to baking. Thanks to a reasonable choice of ingredients, we can make a positive contribution to our health. If we leave aside the purely intellectual aspects of home baking, of course, we will not be able to miss the…

  • How to fight herpes?

    How to fight herpes?

    Herpes always appears at the most inopportune moment … you are waiting for an important meeting, an interview, or a social event, and there is already a familiar tingling of the lips, foreshadowing the formation of painful blisters. Without treatment, herpes can heal in two to four weeks, fortunately, we have medications and other products…

  • Excessive hair loss

    Excessive hair loss

    Dense, shiny, strong, long. Such hair has long been considered a symbol of health and beauty. However, not everyone is so lucky that their hair looks like a shiny magazine all their life. If you have a pillow full of looking hair in the morning, or you’re combing every tuft with every comb, it’s time…

  • Oral hygiene

    Oral hygiene

    It seems that the teeth are located close to each other, but in fact, the gaps between them are sometimes even relatively large in the lower part of the gums. Dirt often settles in these interdental spaces, to which the toothbrush has no chance of getting – even modern sonic toothbrushes do not clean it…

  • Pets and children?

    Pets and children?

    Are you thinking about buying a pet for your children or are you planning a family and the animals will live with you? OK. Pets bear witness to children. Even child psychologists confirm that children living with pets are happier, more confident, more obedient, and do better at school. In addition, children who have been…

  • Dandruff is a problem that can be solved

    Dandruff is a problem that can be solved

    Dandruff is not contagious, not dangerous, but it can ruin a life. Anyone who has struggled with dandruff in their life will confirm that they can become a real burden on the psyche, and can also complicate social life. This is especially true of teenagers when the victim becomes the object of ridicule. However, with…