8 examinations a man should undergo
1. Analysis for PSA – prostate specific antigen This test can rule out or suspect prostate cancer. If the PSA level in the blood is elevated, then this is not necessarily associated with cancer. It can also be inflammatory diseases of the genital organs or benign prostate adenoma. But in cases of deviation of the…
Urinary incontinence in women
Incontinence is a very common disorder. And although it does not pose a danger to life and does not bring physical suffering, it nevertheless spoils life fairly. And most importantly, women with a similar ailment are embarrassed not only to discuss this topic, but even to go to the doctor. The result is deplorable –…
Prostatitis and infertility
The desire to reproduce is one of the basic human needs. Any man treats his sexual health with special trepidation. It is important for him to have a good erection. But it is equally important to be fertile. Any sexual disorder significantly reduces a man’s self-esteem, is accompanied by prolonged depression, and reduces labor productivity.…
Everyone should know this – Sex and prostatitis.
Men are considered to be the strong sex. However, any, the strongest and most courageous person suddenly becomes defenseless and extremely embarrassed, faced with problems in the intimate sphere. Let’s try to figure out how sex and prostatitis are connected and why many Russian men of working age have deviations from the norm in this…
Male health problems
Men do not like to “go to the doctor”, although, in terms of health, the stronger sex is inferior to the weaker sex. Men get sick more and their life expectancy is shorter. Problems with male health affect all aspects of a man’s life: along with the intimate sphere, family relationships, self-esteem, and psyche also…
priapism – what is it?
Priapism is a pathological condition characterized by prolonged erection in a man without sexual arousal. Priapism is caused by a violation of blood circulation in the penis. This pathology was named after the ancient Greek god of fertility, who was depicted with a permanently erect penis. The ability to maintain an erection for a long…
How to prevent prostatitis
The inflammatory process in the prostate (prostate gland) is one of the most common problems that men turn to a urologist. Most often young men, between 30 and 40, suffer from prostatitis. This disease, accompanied by unpleasant and sometimes painful symptoms, can greatly spoil the quality of life and end in infertility and impotence. In…