Contraceptives types
All contraceptives can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The first contains female sex hormones and affects the process of egg maturation, and its readiness for fertilization. Hormones are usually taken in the form of oral medications, but can also be injected into the body in the form of injections, implants, or vaginal remedies. Non–hormonal…
Visit an online pharmacy you will find everything you need
Sexual health is very important for any man, and although erectile dysfunction in itself is not life-threatening, but it can ruin life thoroughly, including destroying a family, and lead to suicide… Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined by doctors as “the inability to achieve and (or) maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity.” However, even…
Decreased potency: why does it happen?
What prevents this? 1. Alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption has a harmful effect on the whole body, although many consider it a stimulant. With an increase in the level of alcohol in the blood, the amount of testosterone produced simultaneously decreases – the hormone responsible for male libido and potency. Drinking alcohol in large quantities reduces…
Vitality: how to raise
The sun, the snow has melted, the young grass is breaking through, but for some reason, there is no joy…We talk about “Spring depression”. Of course, real depression should be treated by psychiatrists. We often call depression a temporary decrease in vitality, melancholy, which we feel in the spring when the body is tired of…
10 main signs that you suffer from insomnia
In a society that demands productivity and time for ourselves, we often have to make choices to reduce sleep time. It’s easy to think that losing just a few hours of sleep doesn’t matter much, but over time it accumulates and forms a “sleep debt.” After days without rest, we begin to wonder, worry about…
Hidden sexual infections
If you care about your health and the health of your family and future children, it is necessary to take control of the examination for latent sexually transmitted infections. These are chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, as well as human papillomavirus. The insidiousness of these infections is that they may not manifest for a long…
Viagra without a prescription
Men will no longer need a prescription to buy Viagra, a popular cure for impotence. They can buy it online at pharmacies. The reason for this decision was that it was difficult for some men to discuss erectile dysfunction with their doctor Today, many drugs can treat erectile dysfunction (mainly phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors), but they…