We publish reliable and up-to-date information on the site (instructions, descriptions, articles). But even careful study of the instructions is not a reason to replace a visit to the doctor with self-treatment. The administration of the 33Drugs site is not responsible for possible consequences arising from the use of information on the site. Remember that SELF-MEDICATION CAN BE HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH.
For patients
Popular articles on health, scientific publications by eminent doctors, reviews of treatment methods and notes on a healthy lifestyle. All this and much more in the medical articles section, classified by specialty.
We cannot influence the genetic factors responsible for high cholesterol. However, we can focus on external factors that can be influenced. Of these, both in prevention and treatment, we focus primarily on a healthy lifestyle and a low-cholesterol diet. How to deal with high cholesterol? One of the main factors in the fight against elevated…
Morpheus’ hands are not a given Melatonin is quickly washed out into the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, from where it informs all cells of the whole body about what stage of the day we are at. This information is subordinated to the physiological functions of organs and the whole organism, which change with the change…
Water is a vital fluid in our body. You can live for weeks without food and only 2-3 days without water. The amount of fluid in the human body varies throughout life. A newborn has the most water in the body, with water accounting for about 75% of body weight. In adults, it is approximately…
Sex, especially successful, is not only healthy and a source of unusual sensations, but also an excellent medicine and cosmetic, and one of the most effective and pleasant ways to get rid of extra pounds. Find out how sex affects your health and well-being. The beneficial properties of this action have been confirmed by many…
At all times, beautiful hair was considered not only an ornament of a woman but also a sign of health. Unfortunately, modern ecology, unbalanced nutrition, constant stress, smoking, and many other negative factors harm both the body as a whole and the hair in particular. Especially in the spring, when vitamin deficiency is “raging”, many…
Unmanageable risk factors Gender. Men get sick more often and die suddenly. Doctors half-jokingly say up to 40 years of age, women are protected by their sex hormones, and a man is only a woman next to him.
Age. Unfortunately, after forty and even after thirty in our time, a heart attack is…
Erectile dysfunction is a technical term that includes disorders in which a man cannot get an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity and the problem persists for at least six months. In patients with diabetes, the incidence of erectile dysfunction is 3-5 times higher than in other men and occurs about 10-15 years earlier than…